Monday, December 31, 2018

Human Quest

Mighty mighty far-flung views, eyes wandering all about. Unable to stay focused, stay put, stay sane. What's the search for? What's that seems visible yet unreachable? 

Visions surpassing the possibilities of reality stating differences between now and later. Palms stretched in directions of no specificity, only motive to steer ahead and never reach. Does that make sense, moving to find no destination, walking to find no paths, swimming to find no shore, living to find no ends? Who defines these? What does it even mean? 

All of us in quest of meaning, to demystify our current jumbles, visible dilemmas and unreachable goals. Does a company help meet these end motives or does it offer more options to add on the existing funnel? Love has always continued to amaze people by barging in at uncalled, inexplicit and unexpected junctures in one's life.   

Come to think of it, not a single soul ever plans to be in love. It just happens and for most of your life, you end up solving the puzzle. How do people continue to be in love? Is there any secret recipe which only the lovebirds are lucky enough to experience and taste and relish their pallets. Can't think of a single soul who hates being in love. You can't hate love but you come to love the love and then life throws you off at immense shores of this ocean that each time, you are left flabbergasted.

I mean does that even make sense. You come across so many people in your life. Some are enhancers creating a roar and some stay like those habits that die hard. However, you can't choose one over the others as both these kinds are imperative for us to experience things at a different and from a unique angle. Why you do what you do has no congruence sometimes. And, maybe it's better to just let it be and let life to chalk out the puzzles the same way that it chalks everything else out.

Imagination is fancier anyway but never undermine the reality. Might surprise you, you never know.

Thoughts by the Window Pane

By the window pane, cut off from the world, the breeze flowing through the face. Rains making their presence dominant, droplets of them filling up the pond at the porch. Walking past muddy ponds dampening your bare feet, wetting yourself, in the interim of safekeeping possessions.

Rain has its charm and each time it proves that we are none, just onlookers waiting for it to make way. Waiting and watching the rains, sipping a hot cup of tea, having conversations as a company. Humbled by the soulful morning offering filled with love, to satisfy a famished tummy. Certain people have their way to live in your lives for years with nothing wanted in return.

Our source of experiences vary from time to time and situations that give us inconceivable events. We add on the images that we wish to capture and maybe revisit when there is nothing else left to. The smell around after the rainfall, the mud, the leaves, the trees, the buildings, the children splashing water and the sudden wave of calm are just the things that money can't buy.

In the fantastic world of sounds, certain tempos aren't defined or bound. They make their influence with no boundaries, are inexplicable, remain untouched, serene from wherever you try to listen in. Those journeys made in no specific direction, just heading forward and feeling the air gushing, your hair uncontrollable, your spirit indefinable, your story unthinkable.

There comes a phase in all our lives where we fail to comprehend where we are, what's our story, is it something that we have in common with others? Are we unique, which most of us surely want to believe is the case. Stealing some time off from the mundane live which mostly ends up calling itself a vacation and then by the fag end of it, anxiety sinks in knocking at the doors of reality.

Have you had one such phase too?

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

My Mountain Experience

Those wild beautiful flowers and taller than life trees. Greenery all over paved paths unexplored destinations. Walking by those uncarved roads, all I can think of is the immense investment people make in spending their precious valuable time on things that they wouldn't take with them. What would we take with us anyways? Nothing maybe some memories, we would leave for the people who matter to us and we leave this world with absolutely nothing, not even our skin and bones. Everything just goes whoosh. 

Coming back to the mountains, there is something about the way they communicate with you, they welcome you with those open arms, let you experience their world and then leave you with a lasting impression that would never go away. The snow, the greens, the winds, the mist, the colors,.you can never get bored of them. In fact, you would never feel like leaving them. One week amongst them and I can only think of leaving everything behind and just stay put where I am. 

The more than welcoming people, their smiles and warmth would amaze you with the simplicity around you that used to be normal at some point in time with mankind. Karaoke sessions in the evening where friends gather around to spend an evening together sipping some tea and hot pakoras, I mean, what more could you ask for with Kanchanjunga as your backdrop. Simple, serene, food made with love just added to the flavor of this visit to Selery Goan in Kalimpong. 

The little joy of looking at a young kid walking on the streets with her granddad in the chill cold weather asking him to take her on a walk would fill your heart with such joy that it's indescribable. You would only be lost in a reverie, trying to recall your own childhood. Her tiny fingers displaying her possessions in silver rings would make you love her more. Leaving her behind at that tiny little village kind of left us heavy-hearted. It seemed the dream coming to an end too soon.

 I am taking back not just memories but so much more than maybe I can never imagine getting anywhere else.