Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Love & Other Things

When the most important things in life seem to be scattered all around and it becomes technically impossible to gather them together and find an amicable means to function keeping them intact yet separate in their worlds...
Seriously where could one possibly go as an escapade and just bask in the glory of an Oregon. Freaking with your brain and yet not letting you realize that. I mean what better way of making an impact face on still in hiding...
Life brings in so many zillion situations staring you right in the eyes and just leave you absolutely no choice to choose. Whoever said that life is what you make of it...well when do you make when you can't and have no possible way...
Love, Friendship, Relationships aren't any less complicated and any one who denies this is simply a moron in the complete sense. One love one life again..... Is this true??? is such a feeling messing with your head and heart all the time that you can't seem to focus...
Never can it be defined with a time zone or age or anything ever. Eternal love is the only truth unless you accept the concept and it is more to do with yourself rather than another person being involved.
The biggest irony in life could be to love someone so much and not able to claim it as yours... Being reprimanded for falling in love beyond a no entry zone. That smile that comes in only for a reason defined with no pre set perspective or any kinda feedback or expectations...
How hurting can it get when one can't share that actual smile for the love of life... Imagine that....

Life as we know it...